Solution-oriented coaching for a fulfilled life

I am Caro, a law graduate and certified systemic personal and business coach.
Together we will find the path - your path - that you were always meant for.

The grass isn't greener on the other side - it's green where you water it. Let's find your individual green space together:

Why coaching with me

Coaches are a dime a dozen.
So why put your trust in me of all people?

Productive woman working with laptop

Own experience

I myself have taken a few professional and personal detours. I know exactly what it feels like not to know what the path ahead of you should look like.

Man on a boat full of ideas

Personalized goal setting

There is no formula for a perfectly fulfilled life. We will get to know each other in peace and quiet so that I can understand what is important to you individually in your life.

Woman planning with calendar

Some humor

Our topics often make us melancholy enough. I like to approach everything with a bit of humor, because often things are not as serious and unsolvable as we might think. Let's work together professionally with a little smile here and there.

What are your current struggles?

We are all familiar with everyday challenges. Perhaps you will find yourself in one or two of these topics.

Everyday stress

Man trying to balance work and life

"I always take on too much and get nowhere"

You no longer want to chase after all your to-dos and still "get nowhere", but finally master your everyday life with all the routines that get the best out of you?

Job dissatisfaction

Tired woman on an armchair

"My job simply doesn't fulfill me (anymore)"

Do you feel dissatisfied at work or in your private life and want to finally reach your true potential?

Finding meaning

People on a boat trying to find a direction

"That can't be all, I want more"

Do you have the feeling that there is more to you and you don't know how to access it?

Decision pressure

A man burning out from decisions

You just don't know what you want and would like to have a clear idea of your path?

"I just can't make up my mind"


Man running

"I want to do (more) sport and eat healthier, but I can't find a way to start"

You just don't know how to integrate sport and a healthy diet into your everyday life?

Do you recognize yourself?
Then, let's talk!

Together we will work out your individual and perfect set-up for you: from vision, goals and values to daily routines and anchors, so that you can live your life the way you want to - with your maximum potential.

Caroling writing some flashcards during a coaching session

My coaching process

The coaching and the duration of the coaching are tailored precisely to you, your topic and your associated goal. At the same time, I follow a rough framework, which can look like this:

At the beginning of each (60-90 minute) session, we look at the extent to which your goal and your coaching assignment to me are still coherent and whether we bring certain acute issues into focus and apply appropriate methods.

1. preliminary talk

We will get to know each other in a preliminary meeting and see if we are a good fit. We will discuss your concerns, challenges and expectations and, if necessary, agree on your individual coaching package.

2. target definition

In this phase, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals are defined. We set you a rough framework with all intermediate goals and first steps.

3. inner work & strategies

The focus here is on developing a structured plan and working on inner blockages. We develop strategies and techniques to help you achieve your goals.

4. implementation

In this phase, you implement the strategies and plans you have developed. Regular coaching sessions provide support, feedback and adjustments to the plan based on progress and challenges.

5. sustainability

The coaching process is completed and the focus is on maintaining the progress made in the long term. We discuss recommendations for further success and plan follow-up meetings to ensure sustainability.

Is coaching something for you?

All the theoretical information is all well and good - see if coaching with YOUR topic feels right for you.

Start your journey now!

Book your free initial consultation here and let's see how we can work together.